Updated - 10/10/2012
I noticed that this page is getting quit a bit of traffic. More some days
than others, and I also noticed that it had become broken. So I've
resurrected the source for this and fixed the broken pop up windows. Also
fixed some formatting. Hopefully it will live on a bit longer now.
Updated - 9/28/2009
So in my spare time I put together this little search tool, based off of
Zenum's Item List
The fields below will auto complete as you type. By only typing in partial descriptions and clicking search it will return all items that contain that text.
For example if you wanted to find all mods that had Mana and HP type "Mana HP" in the Mods box.
Or if you wanted everything with mana regen of 2 you could type "mana 2"
For the advanced search click on the yellow bar below the search button and select the items you want to filter on.
Stat Filters are now working
I'm sure there are bugs, so please email me at
Saure@rising-dawn.com with any item updates or bug reports.
Saure - 65 Cleric of Tunare and member of
The Horde.